Massachusetts Marine Educators

Whale Line

Classroom Exploration of the Oceans: An Online Virtual Teacher Workshop Series

One Week a Month : April -- December, 2003 Online! FREE!
All you need is a Web Browser.


The National Geographic Society and NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration with support from the College of Exploration will host a 9-part virtual teacher workshop series using the excitement of ocean exploration to identify how ocean content can enhance learning in the classroom. Dr. Sylvia Earle, NGS Explorer-in-Residence, will introduce these workshops and inspire teachers on the importance of ocean education.

Scientific experts will present keynote lectures and be available for an open dialogue. Teachers will be provided with relevant and useful information for their classrooms.

Teacher Consultants will provide first-hand experience on introducing ocean content to students, and provide a network of peers to provide advice and answer questions.

Teacher resources will include access to research findings, lesson plans, links to news stories, magazine articles, video clips and Internet links to ensure that their students become ocean literate. The workshop series will introduce a wide array of topics that are linked to the Geographic's Ocean Atlas Teacher's Guide, NOAA's Office of Exploration lesson plans, and the new Oceans Scope and Sequence for K-12 Teachers.

The workshop series will also offer the opportunity to explore a geography focused Ocean Literacy Matrix which links Geography standards and scope and sequence with Ocean topics, lessons plans, and resources.

REGISTRATION is now open. Click here to register.
You must register to participate. This free series will begin on April 21 2003 to coincide with the celebration of EARTH DAY 2003.

Graduate credit is available. Come join this international virtual workshop series on ocean education. Early registrants will receive a CDROM with background information and videos, The Teachers Guide to the National Geographic's Ocean Atlas, NOAA's Office of Exploration Lesson Plans and a Guide to Scope and Sequence of Geography focused Ocean Topics.

April, 21 -- 25, 2003: "The Importance of Ocean Exploration and Education and Ocean Literacy", Dr. Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence, Capt. Craig McClean, Dr. Sharon Walker, John L. Scott Aquarium, Dr. Sarah Bednarz, Texas A&M;, Francesca Cava, National Geographic Society.
**Introduction by Dr. Peter Herring, Southampton Oceanography Centre, "The Deep Ocean Environment: Much More Than a Waste of Space"
**A special Earth Day remarks keynote by Dan Basta, Director, US National Marine Sanctuary Program.

May 5 - 9, 2003: "Living Light in the Ocean", Dr. Edie Widder, Harbor Branch

June 23 -- 27, 2003 -- Polar seas, Dr. Margo Edwards, U. of Hawaii

July 28 -- August 1, 2003: "Ocean Floor Mapping and GIS in Support of Samoa Coral Reef Management", Dr. Dawn Wright, Oregon State University

August 18 -- 22, 2003: The Monitor, John Broadwater, NOAA, and Hunley, Dr. Robert Neyland

September 22 -- 26, 2003: Hydrothermal Vents, Dr. Stevon Hammond, NOAA

October 27 -- 31, 2003: The Oceans and Human Health: New Drugs from the Sea, Dr. Shirley Pomponi, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute concurrent session, Deep-Water Coral Reefs off Southeastern USA, Dr. John Reed, Harbor Branch

November 3 -- 7, 2003, Water column life and research, Bruce Robison, Monterey Bay Research Aquarium

December 15 - 19, 2003: El Ni�o, La Ni�a, Dr. Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Research Aquarium

Sponsorship: This virtual teacher workshop series is made possible by grants from the National Geographic Society's Geography Education Foundation and NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration. Support has also been received from NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary program.

External review and expert advice is also provided by Dr. George Matsumoto, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Ms. Lynn Whitley, Sea Grant Program, University of Southern California, Mr. Justin Kenney, Pew Foundation, Dr. Sharon Walker, J. L. Scott Marine Education Center and Aquarium, Dr. Sarah Bednarz, Texas A&M; and Mr. Glenn Schuster, U.S. Satellite Laboratory.


This page last updated April 12, 2003.

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